This Week in Our Community

Monday-Friday 10:00-10:30 (zoom)
Weekday Morning Prayer

Wednesday, 21 April, 19:00-21:00 (zoom)
Introduction to Judaism Course
(19:00-19:30 Basics of Hebrew)

Mittwoch, 21. April, 19:00-20:00 (zoom, extern)
Vortragsreihe Jüdische Philosophen:
Leo Baeck
Rabbiner Prof. Walter Homolka (Potsdam)

Friday, 23 April, 19:00-20:30 (synagogue & zoom)
Israeli Shabbat: Kabbalat Shabbat & Concert with Cantor Aviv Weinberg
Cosponsored by the Luxembourg Friends of Progressive Judaism in Israel & Arzenu Olami

N.B. If you would like to attend the service in the synagogue, please, register using the below online form. Pandemic restrictions do apply (wearing masks, physical distance, no singing).


Saturday, 24 April, 11:00-12:30 (synagogue & zoom)
Shabbat Morning Service
with Cantor Aviv Weinberg

N.B. If you would like to attend the service in the synagogue, please, register using the below online form. Pandemic restrictions do apply (wearing masks, physical distance, no singing).


Torah Weekly Portion
Acharey Mot-Kedoshim –
After the Death [of the Two Sons of Aaron] / [You Shall Be] Holy
Leviticus 16:1-20:27
The duties that the High Priest must perform on Yom Kippur are delineated and the ceremony of the scapegoat is outlined. (16:1-28)
Moses instructs Aaron about the Yom Kippur laws for fasting and atonement. (16:29-34)
Warnings are issued against the offering of sacrifices outside the Sanctuary and the consumption of blood. (17:1-16)
Moses condemns the sexual practices of some neighboring peoples. Certain forms of sexual relations are prohibited. (18:1-30)
God issues a variety of commandments, instructing the Israelites on how to be a holy people. (19:1-37)
Various sex offenses are discussed and punishments for them are presented. (20:1-27)


Haftarah: Amos 9:7-15 or Ezekiel 22:1-15 or Psalm 15

Save the dates! Yom HaAtzmaut

Friday, 23 April 19:00-21:00

Yom HaAtzmaut 5781 – An Israeli Shabbat
A celebration of the pioneers of Israeli music in prayer and song

To celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut 5781 the Luxembourg Friends of Progressive Judaism in Israel and Arzenu invite you to a special Israel-themed Friday night service and concert on 23 April 2021, at 7 pm.

The golden era of Israeli music emerged as Israel was just taking her first steps as a young country. Poets and composers such as Nathan Alterman, Moshe Vilensky, Mordechai Zaira, Chayim Chefer, David Zehavi, Sasha Argov & Mati Caspi were like salt of the earth who combined lyric and melody, thus creating the musical background to Israel’s early pioneering days.

The concert will be streamed on Zoom and Youtube. Connection details will be sent closer to the date. You can also attend it in person at the synagogue of the Liberal Jewish Community of Luxembourg (Esch-Alzette) – please register by contacting us.

The concert is free of charge (courtesy of Arzenu:
Donations are welcome and encouraged:

Saturday, 24 April 11:00-12:30

Shabbat Morning Service

N.B. If you would like to attend the service in the synagogue, please, contact us to register. Pandemic restrictions do apply (wearing masks, physical distance, no singing).

This Week in Our Community

No zoom Morning Prayer this week.

Friday, 16 April, 18:30-20:30 (zoom)
Community Talk: 18:30-19:00
Kabbalat Shabbat & Rosh Hodesh Sivan

Torah Weekly Portion
 Tazria-Metzorah – Bearing Seed / A Leper
Leviticus 12:1-15:33
SummaryGod describes the rituals of purification for a woman after childbirth. (12:1-8)
God sets forth the methods for diagnosing and treating a variety of skin diseases, including tzara-at (a leprous affection), as well as those for purifying clothing. (13:1-59)
Priestly rituals to cure tzara-at when it afflicts humans are described. (14:1-32)
Rituals to rid dwelling places of tzara-at are presented. (14:33-57)
The parashah denotes male impurities resulting from a penile discharge or seminal emission. (15:1-18)
The parashah concludes with accounts of female impurities caused by a discharge of blood. (15:19-33)


Haftarah: 2 Kings 7:3-20 or 3 Kings 5:1-19

This Week in Our Community

Monday-Friday, 10:00-10:30
Weekday Morning Prayer

Wednesday, 7 April, 19:00-21:00 (zoom)
Introduction to Judaism course
(19:00-19:30 Basics of Hebrew)

Friday, 9 April, 18:30-20:30 (zoom)
Community Talk: 18:30-19:00
Before the service:
Invocation for Yom Hashoah
(27 Nissan – 9 April)
Kabbalat Shabbat & Rosh Hodesh

Saturday, 10 April, 10:30-11:30 (zoom)
Shabbat Morning Service

Torah Weekly Portion
Sh’mini – The Eighth [Day]
Leviticus 9:1−11:47

Aaron and his sons follow Moses’ instructions and offer sacrifices so that God will forgive the people. (9:1-24)
Two of Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, offer “alien fire” to God. God punishes these two priests by killing them immediately. (10:1-3)
God forbids Moses, Aaron, and his surviving sons from mourning but commands the rest of the people to do so. Priests are told not to drink alcohol before entering the sacred Tabernacle and are further instructed about making sacrifices. (10:4-20)
Laws are given to distinguish between pure and impure animals, birds, fish, and insects. (11:1-47)


Haftarah: Ezekiel 36:22-36

This Week – Pessach Week

Sunday, 28 March, 21:00-21:30 (zoom)
Havdalah – End of the First Day of Pessach (Yom Tov ends)
Havdalah text can be found here

Monday, 29 March – Friday, 2 April, 10:00-10:40 (zoom)
Morning Prayer – Chol Hamoed (Intermediate Days of Pessach) 

Wednesday,  31 March, 19:00-21:00 (zoom)
Introduction to Judaism Course
(19:00-19:30 Basics of Hebrew)

Friday, 2 April, 18:30-20:30 (zoom)
Community Talk: 18:30-19:00
Evening Service of Shabbat & The Last (7th) Day of Pessach

Saturday, 3 April, 10:30-12:00 (synagogue and zoom)
Morning Service of Shabbat & The Last (7th) Day of Pessach

N.B. If you would like to attend the service in the synagogue, please, register online using this form. Pandemic restrictions do apply (wearing masks, physical distance, no singing).

Saturday, 3 April, 21:00-21:30 (zoom)
Havdalah – End of Pessach
Havdalah text can be found here

Torah Portion for Shabbat 3 April
The Seventh Day of Pessach
Exodus 14:30–15:21

As the observance of Passover draws to an end, the Torah portion includes the dramatic recounting of the splitting of the sea in this poem known as “The Song at the Sea.” Written with great emotion, this poem attempts to convey the power of “God’s might hand.” So powerful is the imagery that verses of this poem have become part of the Jewish liturgy. The poem comes to a climatic finish with Miriam, the prophetess, picking up her timbrel and leading the women in dance.


More on Pessach:

Haftarah for the Seventh Day of Pessach: Isaiah 11:1-6,9; 12

Passover – A message from our Rabbi

Dear Friend,

We are all looking forward to celebrate Pessach. In this email I will give you some practical information regarding the celebration and observance of Pessach.

Pessach is a week-long celebration.

Those who follow the liberal (biblical) practice, celebrate Pessach 7 days from the evening of 27 March 2021 until the evening of 3 April 2021.

The orthodox practice in Diaspora is to celebrate 8 days of Pessach (evening 27 March – evening 4 April 2021). 

Saturday, 27 March, 10:30
Deadline for Eating Chametz

Saturday, 27 March, 11:30
Deadline for Removal of Chametz
After removing chametz, recite:
We have cleaned our home and removed all the chametz of which we are aware. Just as we have removed the leaven from our home, so too may we be purified from harmful thoughts and selfish deeds. 

Saturday, 27 March, 19:00-21:30 (zoom)
Seder Pessach
There will be a pause for dinner between 20:00 and 21:00.
Online English Haggadah: Our Haggadah – Haggadatenu
Deutsche Haggada: diese oder diese
French Haddadah (PDF)
Ma Nishtana (The Four Questions) in 5 Languages (HE, LU, EN, FR, DE)

Sunday, 28 March, 10:30-12:30 (zoom)
Pessach Celebration for Families and Talmud Torah

Sunday, 28 March, 21:00 (zoom)
End of the 1st Day of Pessach (Yom Tov ends)
Havdalah (Text here)

Do not forget counting Omer from the second night of Pessach, starting on Sunday, 28 March. There are many useful apps to remind you about the daily mitzvah of counting Omer and the spiritual practice accompanying it. Check this CCAR Omer App or Sefiros Grow App.

Monday, 29 March – Friday, 2 April, 10:00-10:40 (zoom)
Morning Prayer – Chol Hamoed Pessach (Intermediate Days of Pessach)

Friday, 2 April, 19:00-20:30 (zoom)
Evening Service of Shabbat & the Last (7th) Day of Pessach

Saturday, 3 April, 10:30-12:00 (zoom & synagogue)
Morning Service of Shabbat & the Last (7th) Day of Pessach
N.B.: If you would like to attend the service in the synagogue, please, register using this online form. Pandemic restrictions do apply (wearing masks, physical distance, no singing).

Saturday, 3 April, 21:00 (zoom)
End of the 7th and Last Day of Pessach (Yom Tov ends)
Havdalah (Text here)

If you observe 7 days of Pessach, you may start eating chametz on 3 April at 21:00.

The Torah prohibits the ownership of חמץ (chametz) (flour, food or drink made from the prohibited species of leavened grain: wheat, oats, barley, rye or spelt) during Pessach. Ideally we burn or remove all chametz from our premises (you may store it in a room you do not use during the Pessach week).
Prohibited foods (chametz) include the following: biscuits, cakes, coffees containing cereal derivatives, crackers, leavened bread, pasta. These are foods that are generally made with wheat, barley, oats, spelt or rye (grains that can become chametz). Any food containing these grains or derivatives of these grains must be certified kosher for Pesach. Flavorings in foodstuffs are often derived from alcohol produced from one of these grains which would render that food chametz. Such products also need Pessach supervision.

Matzah & “Gluten-Free Matzah”
One of the mitzvot of Pessach is to eat matzah at least during the Seder Pessach. Matzah is made of flour of wheat (in most cases), oats, barley, rye or spelt. Those who have gluten intolerance or suffer from gluten-related disorders are exempt from the mitzvah of matzah. Judaism prioritises health over ritual. Those who do not consume gluten out of other reasons, are not exempt from the mitzvah of matzah. The “Gluten-Free Matzah” is usually made of potato starch, tapioca, nuts or other non-cereal product. Strictly speaking such “gluten-free matzah” is a matzah-style product. Since it is not a type of bread (which a regular Matzah is) the blessing for it is not “hamotzi”. Usually the correct blessing is stated on the package. The safest go is “she ha-kol nig-ya bid-va-ro” (Blessed… everything was created through God’s word”).

By the way, for ritual purposes, only regular, plain matzah (made of flour and water) is appropriate. Chocolate matzah, egg matzah, matzah ashirah etc. etc. are not fit for the ritual (its richness contradicts the reason for the matzah eating ritual; matzah is both “bread of poverty” and “bread of liberation”). In general,  “Kosher for Pessach” does not necessarily mean that the food can be used during ritual (e.g., during the Seder Pessach) to fulfill a mitzvah; it can be used as a snack or food in a regular, non-ritual sense.

Traditionally Ashkenazim refrain from eating Kitniyot during Pessach. These foods include: beans, corn, millet, peas, rice, soy, and some other plant based foods like mustard, buckwheat and sesame seeds. Peanuts and peanut oil are permitted, provided they do not contain chametz ingredients. There are strong opinions permitting the consumption of kitniyot for Ashkenazim during Pessach. To fully understand these opinions go here and here. Your rabbi eats Kitniyot.

Here you can find more information on Pessach.

The Guide to Passover for Interfaith Families – is a great resource too. 
Here are some YouTube links to famous Pessach Seder songs: 
Avadim hayinu
Ma nishtana
Chad Gadya
Echad mi yodea
Ha lachma
Karev jom
Bechol dor vador
Betzet Israel
Kol rina wiyeschu’a
Chassal siddur Pessach
Adir hu
Ki lo na’e
Leschana hab’a biYerushalayim

If you have questions please do not hesitate contacting me.

I wish you meaningful and joyous Pessach!

Your Rabbi

This Week in Our Community

Monday-Friday, 10:00-10:30
Weekday Morning Prayer

Mittwoch, 24. März, 19:00-20:00 (auf Deutsch, zoom)
Vortragsreihe Jüdische Philosophen
Margarete Susmann
Rabbinerin Prof. Elisa Klapheck (Frankfurt/Main)

Friday, 26 March, 18:30-20:30 (zoom)
Community Talk: 18:30-19:00
Kabbalat Shabbat: 19:00-20:30

Saturday, 27 March, 19:00-21:30 (zoom)
Seder Pessach

Torah Weekly Portion
Tzav – Command [Aaron and His Sons] 
Leviticus 6:1−8:36

The five sacrifices that the priests are to perform are described. (6:1-7:38)
Limitations on the consumption of meat are delineated. (7:17-27)
Details about the ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests and the preparation of the Tabernacle as a holy place are given. (8:1-36)


Haftarah: Jeremiah 7: 21-34, 9: 22-23 or Hosea 6:1-6 or Psalm 132

This Week in Our Community

Monday-Friday, 10:00-10:30
Weekday Morning Prayer

Wednesday, 17 March, 19:00-21:00
Introduction to Judaism Course
(19:00-19:30 Basics of Hebrew)

Friday, 19 March, 18:30-20:30
Community Talk: 18:30-19:00
Kabbalat Shabbat: 19:00-20:30

Saturday, 20 March, 10:30-12:30
Torah Brunch

Torah Weekly Portion
Vayikra – [God] Called Out
Leviticus 1:1−5:26

God instructs Moses on the five different kinds of sacrifices that were to be offered in the sanctuary: The olah or “burnt offering” was a voluntary sacrifice that had a high degree of sanctity and was regarded as the “standard” offering. The entire animal, except for its hide, was burned on the altar. (1:1-17)
The minchah or “meal offering” was a sacrifice made of flour, oil, salt, and frankincense that was partly burned on the altar and partly given to the priests to eat. (2:1-16)
The zevach sh’lamim or “sacrifice of well-being” was a voluntary animal offering from one’s herd, sometimes brought to fulfill a vow. (3:1-17)
The chatat or “sin offering” was an obligatory sacrifice that was offered to expiate unintentional sins. This offering differs from the others in the special treatment of the blood of the animal. (4:1-5:13)
The asham or “penalty offering” was an obligatory sacrifice of a ram that was required chiefly of one who had misappropriated property. (5:1-26)

Haftarah: Isaiah 43:21-44:23

This Week in Our Community

Monday-Friday, 10:00-10:30
Weekday Morning Prayer
NOT on Monday, 8 March
NOT on Tuesday, 9 March

Mittwoch, 10. März, 19:00-20:00 (auf Deutsch, zoom)
Vortragsreihe Jüdische Philosophen
Hermann Cohen
Prof. Micha Brumlik

Friday, 12 March, 18:30-20:30 (zoom)
Community Talk: 18:30-19:00
Kabbalat Shabbat: 19:00-20:30

Saturday, 13 March, 10:30-12:30 (zoom)
Shabbat Morning Service
Blessing of the New Month of Nissan

Torah Weekly Portion
Vayakehel – Pekudey – [Moses] Assembled / [The] Records [of the Tabernacle]
Exodus 35:1–40:38

Moses teaches the rules of Shabbat. (35:1-3)
Moses asks the Israelites for a donation of gifts and those who are skilled help build the Mishkan [Tabernacle] under the direction of Bezalel and Oholiab. (35:4-38:20)
A statistical summary of the materials used for the Tabernacle and an account of producing the priestly vestments are recorded. Moses blesses the Israelites for the work they did. (38:21-39:42)
Upon God’s instruction, Moses sets up the Mishkan and the priests are anointed and consecrated. (40:1-33)
A description is given of a cloud that covers the Mishkan by day and a fire that burns by night, indicating God’s Presence therein. (40:33-38)


Haftarah: I Kings 7:40-51, or I Chronicles 29:9-20 or II Chronicles 4:1-5:1

The Living Witnesses / Les Témoins Vivants

Dear members,

From 10 March to March 15, film «The living witnesses» can be streamed online from Luxembourg territory only. Once the ticket has been paid (7 EUR), one can watch the movie as many times as they want during the period of 72 hours following the purchase.

Synopsis: Three survivors of the Second World War meet three Luxembourg students, either born here or immigrated. With the Holocaust in mind, the six living witnesses discover how crimes against humanity still play a considerable role in the consciousness of contemporary societies.

More information can be found here, click Rent €7.00

Version française :

Chères/chers membres,
Entre le 10 et le 15 mars, le film « Les témoins vivants » peut être visionné sur internet exclusivement à partir du Luxembourg. Une fois qu’on a payé son ticket (7 EUR), on peut regarder le film pendant 72 heures sur internet autant de fois que l’on le souhaite. 

Synopsis : Trois témoins de la Seconde Guerre mondiale rencontrent trois étudiants luxembourgeois nés ici ou immigrés. Avec à l’esprit l’Holocauste, ces six témoins vivants découvrent comment les crimes contre l’humanité jouent encore aujourd’hui un rôle considérable dans la conscience collective.

Voici les informations, cliquez sur Rent €7.00