Registration for Talmud Torah 2021-2022

Talmud Torah will meet on alternating Sundays in the synagogue and on Zoom. This year, we are pleased to offer French and English-language classes.   If you are interested in enrolling your child, please, fill in the online form below by 19 September 2021.   Even if your child has been already participating in Talmud Torah and would likeContinue reading “Registration for Talmud Torah 2021-2022”

Save the dates! Yom HaAtzmaut

Friday, 23 April 19:00-21:00 Yom HaAtzmaut 5781 – An Israeli ShabbatA celebration of the pioneers of Israeli music in prayer and song To celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut 5781 the Luxembourg Friends of Progressive Judaism in Israel and Arzenu invite you to a special Israel-themed Friday night service and concert on 23 April 2021, at 7 pm. TheContinue reading “Save the dates! Yom HaAtzmaut”