Our congregation has almost 200 members, and is growing. We have a diverse membership from all over Luxembourg and beyond, both Luxembourgers and expats. Some of our families go back all the way to the mid-19th century, whilst others arrived but a few years ago, yet all have become deeply engaged with communal life. 

We want to offer new and prospective members a choice of ways in which to find a comfortable place for themselves within our shul. We have a personalised approach – each person is different, and we are interested in you and your ritual, cultural, and spiritual needs, whatever your background and story so far. We are open to all.

There are many ways to become involved with communal life and to become acquainted with other congregants. During your first months, we hope to get to know you so that we can introduce you to the most relevant programmes, groups, volunteering opportunities, and classes. Above all else, we strive to offer a warm and inviting atmosphere in which you can discover, expand, and explore Jewish life. As you engage with your fellow congregants, you will not only grow your Jewish experience, but will also strengthen the community itself, bringing in your own ideas, interests, experience, and skills. 

No matter what brought you to us, we do hope that you will choose to join: as a first step, we invite you to contact us.

Donations can be made directly via transfer to our bank account:

LU62 0020 1115 0760 0000, BIC: BILLLULL

Alternatively, via the Foundation of Luxembourgish Judaism:

LU64 0099 7805 0073 1179, BIC: CCRALULL

Any donation above €120, made via the Foundation, can be deducted from your taxes. Please make sure you indicate your name and address in the message field of the bank transaction.


Les dons peuvent être effectués directement sur le compte en banque de la Communauté:

LU62 0020 1115 0760 0000, BIC: BILLLULL

Ou via la Fondation pour le Judaïsme luxembourgeois – FJL

LU64 0099 7805 0073 1179, BIC: CCRALULL

Tout don dépassant 120 euros et qui passe via la FJL peut être déduit lors de votre déclaration d’impôts. Il vous faut pour cela indiquer votre nom et adresse dans le message de votre virement.