This Week in Our Community

Monday-Friday 10:00-10:30 (zoom)
Weekday Morning Prayer

Wednesday, 21 April, 19:00-21:00 (zoom)
Introduction to Judaism Course
(19:00-19:30 Basics of Hebrew)

Mittwoch, 21. April, 19:00-20:00 (zoom, extern)
Vortragsreihe Jüdische Philosophen:
Leo Baeck
Rabbiner Prof. Walter Homolka (Potsdam)

Friday, 23 April, 19:00-20:30 (synagogue & zoom)
Israeli Shabbat: Kabbalat Shabbat & Concert with Cantor Aviv Weinberg
Cosponsored by the Luxembourg Friends of Progressive Judaism in Israel & Arzenu Olami

N.B. If you would like to attend the service in the synagogue, please, register using the below online form. Pandemic restrictions do apply (wearing masks, physical distance, no singing).


Saturday, 24 April, 11:00-12:30 (synagogue & zoom)
Shabbat Morning Service
with Cantor Aviv Weinberg

N.B. If you would like to attend the service in the synagogue, please, register using the below online form. Pandemic restrictions do apply (wearing masks, physical distance, no singing).


Torah Weekly Portion
Acharey Mot-Kedoshim –
After the Death [of the Two Sons of Aaron] / [You Shall Be] Holy
Leviticus 16:1-20:27
The duties that the High Priest must perform on Yom Kippur are delineated and the ceremony of the scapegoat is outlined. (16:1-28)
Moses instructs Aaron about the Yom Kippur laws for fasting and atonement. (16:29-34)
Warnings are issued against the offering of sacrifices outside the Sanctuary and the consumption of blood. (17:1-16)
Moses condemns the sexual practices of some neighboring peoples. Certain forms of sexual relations are prohibited. (18:1-30)
God issues a variety of commandments, instructing the Israelites on how to be a holy people. (19:1-37)
Various sex offenses are discussed and punishments for them are presented. (20:1-27)


Haftarah: Amos 9:7-15 or Ezekiel 22:1-15 or Psalm 15