This Week in Our Community

Friday, 5 August, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat
Jahrzeit: Samuel Fuchs, Grand Rabbi of Luxembourg (4 Av-1 Aug)

Saturday, 6 August, 10:30-12:00,
Former Synagogue of Mondorf

25, rue du Moulin
L-5638 Mondorf-les-Bains

Français ci-dessous

Shabbat Hazon Morning Service
Jahrzeit: Isaac Blumenstein, Grand Rabbi of Luxembourg (10 Av-7 Aug)

The 9th of Av – Tisha be Av is a day of remembrance for the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, traditionally a day of sorrow and, at the same time, of hope. This year we invite you to a special Shabbat Morning Service on Shabbat Hazon (the Sabbath of Vision), Shabbat preceding Tisha be Av at the former synagogue of Mondorf. By gathering and praying in the former synagogue of Mondorf we would like to show the presence and resilience of Jewish life and honor this place of prayer and study for several generations of Luxembourgish and European Jews before the Shoah. I encourage you to join us on this special occasion. 
The service will be followed by a kiddush and a talk by a historian Daniel Thilman about the history of the synagogue. 
This service is organized together with the association “Les amis de l‘ancienne synagogue de Mondorf”.

Version française

Nous approchons du 9 Av – Tisha be Av, un jour de commémoration de la destruction du Temple de Jérusalem, traditionnellement un jour de tristesse et, en même temps, d’espoir. Cette année, nous vous vous invitons à un office spécial le matin du Shabbat Hazon (le Sabbat de la Vision), le Shabbat précédant Tisha be Av, qui aura lieu à l’ancienne synagogue de Mondorf  En nous rassemblant et en priant dans l’ancienne synagogue de Mondorf, nous souhaitons montrer la présence et la résilience de la vie juive et honorer ce lieu de prière et d’étude pour plusieurs générations de Juifs luxembourgeois et européens avant la Shoah. L’office sera en hébreu, anglais et français. L’office sera suivi d’un kiddush et d’une conférence de l’historien Daniel Thilman sur l’histoire de la synagogue.Cet office est organisé en collaboration avec l’association “Les amis de l’ancienne synagogue de Mondorf”.

Torah Weekly Portion
The Words
Deuteronomy 1:1−3:22
Moses begins his final words of instruction to the Children of Israel, focusing first on recounting their physical journey. (1:1–21)
Moses reviews the people’s reactions to the negative reports of the spies and the appointment of Joshua to succeed him. (1:22–45)
Moses recounts that all of the Israelite warriors who left Egypt died, as God had intended, and the people continued their wanderings and defeated their enemies. (2:14–3:11)
Moses reiterates that the Land of Israel was allocated to the Israelite tribes. (3:12–22)

Haftarah: Isaiah 1:-27

This Week in Our Community

Wednesday, 27 July, 19:00-21:00
Introduction to Judaism course

Friday, 29 July, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat followed by a community dinner at a restaurant.
Please register by 28 July.
Office suivi d’un dîner communautaire au restaurant.
Merci de vous enregistrer d’ici le 28 juillet.

Shabbat Hazon Morning Service in Mondorf
Office de Shabbat Hazon à la synagogue de Mondorf

Followed by kiddush and a talk by Daniel Thilman
suivi d’un kiddouch et d’une discussion avec Daniel Thilman

Saturday, 6 August, 10:30-12:00
Samedi, 6 août, 10h30-12h00

Former Synagogue of Mondorf
25, rue du Moulin
L-5638 Mondorf-les-Bains

Israel Wine Sales / Vente de vins israéliens

Torah Weekly Portion Matot – Mas’ei
מַטּוֹת – מַסְעֵי
The Tribes / The Marches of [the Israelites]
Numbers 30:2–36:13
Moses explains to the Israelites the laws concerning vows made by men and women. (30:2—17)
Israel wages war against the Midianites. (31:1—18)
The laws regarding the spoils of war are outlined. (31:19—54)
The tribes of Reuben and Gad are granted permission to stay on the east bank of the Jordan River. (32:1—42)
The itinerary of the Israelites through the wilderness from Egypt to Jordan is delineated. (33:1-49)
Moses tells Israel to remove the current inhabitants of the land that God will give them and to destroy their gods. (33:50-56)
The boundaries of the Land of Israel are defined, along with those of the Levitical cities and the cities of refuge. (34:1-35:15)
God makes a precise distinction between murder and manslaughter. (35:16-34)
The laws of inheritance as they apply to Israelite women are delineated. (36:1-13)

Haftarah: Jeremiah 2:4-28, 3:4

This Week in Our Community

Friday, 22 July, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday, 23 July, 10:30-12:00
Shabbat Morning Service

Torah Weekly Portion
Numbers 25:10−30:1
Pinchas is rewarded for killing the Israelite and the Midianite woman who cursed God. (25:10–15)
Israel fights a war against the Midianites. (25:16-18)
A second census is taken. (26:1–65)
The daughters of Zelophehad force a change in the laws of property inheritance. (27:1–11)
Joshua is chosen to be Moses’ successor. (27:15–23) The sacrificial ritual for all festival occasions is described in detail. (28:1–30:1)

Haftarah: Jeremiah 1:1-2:3

This Week in Our Community

No Weekday Morning Services

Wednesday, 13 July, 19:00-21:00
Introduction to Judaism course

Friday/Vendredi, 15 July, 19:00-20:30
Open Air service in Luxembourg City (tbc)
Office en plein air à Luxembourg Ville (à confirmer)

On 15 July we will attempt to do an open air service in Luxembourg-City, weather permitting. If you are interested to attend, please send us an email. Bring your own Siddur or download our Siddur here.

Le 15 juillet nous allons tenter de tenir notre office en plein air à Luxembourg-Ville, si la météo le permet. Si vous êtes intéressés, envoyez nous un courriel. Amenez votre propre Siddour ou téléchargez notre siddour en ligne.

Torah Weekly Portion Balak
Numbers 22:2−25:9
Balak, the king of Moab, persuades the prophet Balaam to curse the Israelites so that he can defeat them and drive them out of the region. However, Balaam blesses the Children of Israel instead and prophesies that Israel’s enemies will be defeated. (22:2-24:25)
God punishes the Israelites with a plague for consorting with the Moabite women and their god. The plague is stayed after Pinchas kills an Israelite man and his Midianite woman. (25:1-9)

Haftarah: Micah 5:6-6:8

This Week in Our Community

No Weekday Morning Services

No Introduction to Judaism course on Wednesday, 6 July

Friday, 8 July, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat
followed by a pizza dinner / suivi d’un dîner pizza

Please register by Thursday, 7 July 12pm
Veuillez vous inscrire avant midi le jeudi 7 juillet
Consider bringing a salad / Pensez à ramener une salade

Torah Weekly Portion
The Ritual Law
Numbers 19:1−22:1
The laws of the red heifer to purify a person who has had contact with a corpse are given. (19:1-22)
The people arrive at the wilderness of Zin. Miriam dies and is buried there. (20:1)
The people complain that they have no water. Moses strikes the rock to get water for them. God tells Moses and Aaron they will not enter the Land of Israel. (20:2-13)
The king of Edom refuses to let the Children of Israel pass through his land. After Aaron’s priestly garments are given to his son Eleazer, Aaron dies. (20:14-29)
After they are punished for complaining about the lack of bread and water, the Israelites repent and are victorious in battle against the Amorites and the people of Bashan, whose lands they capture. (21:4-22:1)

Haftarah: Judges 11:1-33

This Week in Our Community

No Weekday Morning Services

Wednesday, 29 June, 19:00-21:00
Introduction to Judaism course

Friday, 1 July, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat 

Torah Weekly Portion
Numbers 16:1−18:32
Korach and his followers, Dathan and Abiram, lead a rebellion against the leadership of Moses and Aaron. God punishes the rebels by burying them and their families alive. Once again, God brings a plague on the people. (16:1-17:15)
The chief of each tribe deposits his staff inside the Tent of Meeting. Aaron’s staff brings forth sprouts, produces blossoms, and bears almonds. (17:16-26)
The Kohanim and Levites are established and assigned the responsibility of managing the donations to the Sanctuary. All of the firstborn offerings shall go to the priests and all the tithes are designated for the Levites in return for the services they perform. (18:1-32)

Haftarah: I Samuel 11:14-12:22

This Week in Our Community – Nationalfeierdag Shabbat

No Weekday Morning Services

Friday, 24 June, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat & National Holiday Service with Cantor Assaf Levitin, accompanied on piano by Naaman Wagner.

Saturday, 25 June, 10:30-12:00
Shabbat Morning Service with Cantor Assaf Levitin, accompanied on piano by Naaman Wagner.

Torah Weekly Portion
Sh’lach L’cha
Send [Notables to Scout the Land]
Numbers 13:1−15:41
Moses sends twelve spies to the Land of Israel to report on the inhabitants and the country. Despite the positive report of Joshua and Caleb, the people are frightened. (13:1–14:10)
God threatens to wipe out the Children of Israel but relents when Moses intercedes on their behalf. To punish the people, God announces that all those who left Egypt would not enter the Land of Israel except for Joshua and Caleb. (14:11–45)
Moses instructs the Israelites regarding setting aside challah, the observance of the Sabbath, how to treat strangers, and the laws of tzitzit. (15:1–41)

Haftarah: Joshua 2:1-24


Veuillez trouver la version française ci-dessous

Dear members,   
You are warmly invited to attend an exceptional Shabbat weekend in our Community on the occasion of Nationalfeierdag, Luxembourg’s national holiday celebration.   
This year we have opted for a musical Shabbat weekend, which will be led by our rabbi and cantor Assaf Levitin, accompanied by pianist Naaman Wagner. 
We hope to see many of you there as this should be two very beautiful services. The Shabbat morning service will be followed by a potluck lunch, so do bring a salad to share! 

Chers membres, 
Vous êtes cordialement invités à un weekend shabbatique exceptionnel à l’occasion de Nationalfeierdag, notre fête nationale. 
Cette année, nous avons décidé d’en faire un Shabbat musical, avec des offices menés par notre rabbin et le chazzan Assaf Levitin, accompagné du pianiste Naaman Wagner. 
Nous espérons vous y voir nombreux ! L’office du samedi matin sera suivi d’un déjeuner communautaire en partage, donc amenez une salade à partager ! 
Vendredi, 24 juin 19h00-20h30
Office de Kabbalat Shabbat et de fête nationale avec le Chazzan Assaf Levitin, accompagné du pianiste Naaman Wagner.

Samedi, 25 juin 10h30-12h00
Office de Chacharit avec le Chazzan Assaf Levitin, accompagné du pianiste Naaman Wagner suivi d’un déjeuner communautaire en partage.

Assaf Levitin, cantor of the Reform Synagogue of the Jewish Community of Hamburg.

After his vocal studies at the Tel Aviv Conservatory, Assaf Levitin studied in Saarbrücken with Yaron Windmüller. Subsequently, the bass-baritone was a member of the International Opera Studio at the Zurich Opera House for one year, and later a member of the Dortmund Opera Ensemble. Finally, he decided to complete his cantor training at the Abraham Geiger College at the University of Potsdam. There he began to compose pieces for liturgy and to lead religious services. After graduation, Assaf Levitin served at the Hannover Liberal Jewish Community: Recently he accepted a call to be a cantor of the Reform Synagogue of the Jewish Community of Hamburg. 

Modern Hebrew Classes

Our friend from Ukraine, Anna Stepanenko, is a certified Hebrew teacher. 
If you are looking to improve your Hebrew skills, whatever your level, do let us know ! 

The classes will be one-on-one or in a group, depending on the number of participants. For more details, contact us and we will forward the contact information.

This Week in Our Community

No Weekday Morning Services This Week

Friday, 17 June, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat

Torah Weekly Portion
When You Raise [the Lamps]
Numbers 8:1−12:16
God speaks to Moses, describing the menorah for the Tent of Meeting. The Levites are appointed to serve as assistants under Aaron and his sons. (8:1-26)
Those who are unable to celebrate Passover during Nisan are given a time in the month of Sivan to observe a “second Passover.” (9:1-14)
A cloud by day and fire by night show God’s Presence over the Tabernacle. When the cloud lifts from the Tabernacle, the people leave Sinai, setting out on their journey, tribe by tribe. (9:15-10:36)
The Israelites complain about the lack of meat, and Moses becomes frustrated. God tells him to appoint a council of elders. God provides the people with meat and then strikes them with a very severe plague. (11:1-34)
Miriam and Aaron talk about the “Cushite woman” whom Moses has married. In addition, they complain that God speaks not only through Moses but also through them. Miriam is struck with leprosy, and Moses begs God to heal her. After her recovery, the people resume their journey. (12:1-16)

Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7

This Week in Our Community

No Weekday Morning Services

Wednesday, 8 June, 19:00-21:00
Introduction to Judaism

Friday, 10 June, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat

Torah Weekly Portion
Take a Census
Numbers 4:21−7:89
A census of the Gershonites, Merarites, and Koathites between the ages of thirty and fifty is conducted and their duties in the Tabernacle are detailed. (4:21-49)
God speaks to Moses concerning what to do with ritually unclean people, repentant individuals, and those who are suspected of adultery. (5:1-31)
The obligations of a nazirite vow are explained. They include abstaining from alcohol and not cutting one’s hair. (6:1-21) God tells Moses how to teach Aaron and his sons the Priestly Blessing. (6:22-27)
Moses consecrates the Sanctuary, and the tribal chieftains bring offerings. Moses then speaks with God inside the Tent of Meeting. (7:1-89)

Haftarah: Judges 13:2-25