Saturday, 15 October, 19:00-22:00
Hoshana Rabbah – last Day of Sukkot Evening Service with community pot-luck dinner & learning session.
Torah Weekly Portion Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot
חוֹל הַמֹּעֵד סֻכֹּת
Intermediate Days of Sukkot
Exodus 33:12–34:26
On the Shabbat during Sukkot, we are reminded of the age-old desire to know God. Moses implores God to let him see God. While God will not allow Moses to see God’s face, God tells Moses, “I will make My goodness pass before you…” Perhaps we experience the divine presence through the goodness we create in the world. The Torah then sets forth the thirteen attributes of God, among them that God is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. By emulating these very attributes, we create the goodness which allows us to know God.
Haftarah: Ezekiel 38:18-39:7 [historic: 38:18-39:16], The Book of Ecclesiates is read
This Week in Our Community
Français ci-dessous
Dear members,
Next week is Yom Kippur, followed by Sukkot. You’ll find our full programme just below.
On Wednesday evening we will break the fast together. We will serve a hot vegetable soup at the end of the fast, so please let us know if you wish to stay for the traditional ‘Anbeiss’ (via email), so we have an idea of numbers. Feel free to bring a cake or dessert to share.
On Sunday 9 October, we will organise a Sukkot Celebration with our Talmud Torah. Here as well we will organise a luncheon.
Please register and pay by 7 October (€20 members, €30 non-members).
Gmar hatimah tovah!
Chers membres,
La semaine prochaine, c’est Yom Kippour, suivi de Souccot. Vous trouverez notre programme complet juste en dessous.
Mercredi soir, nous romprons le jeûne ensemble. Nous servirons une soupe de légumes chaude à la fin du jeûne, alors faites-nous savoir si vous souhaitez rester pour le traditionnel ‘Anbeiss’ (par courriel), afin que nous ayons une idée du nombre de participants. N’hésitez pas à apporter un gâteau ou un dessert à partager.
Le dimanche 9 octobre, nous organiserons une célébration de Souccot avec notre Talmud Torah. Là aussi, nous organiserons un déjeuner. Veuillez vous inscrire et payer avant le 7 octobre (20 € pour les membres, 30 € pour les non-membres).
Gmar hatimah tovah !
Tuesday, 4 October, 19:00-21:00
Kol Nidrei
Wednesday, 5 October
Yom Kippur
10:00 – 13:00 – Morning
13:30 – 15:00 – Study Session
16:00 – 17:30 – Mincha
17:30 – 18:00 – Yizkor
18:00 – 20:00 – Neila followed by Anbeiss (end of fast)
Sunday, 9 October, 10:30-15:30
Sukkot Celebration with Talmud Torah & community lunch
Torah Weekly Portion
Deuteronomy 32:1–52
Moses sings his last song, a love poem to God and a chastisement of the people, who are not worthy of Adonai. (32:1–6)
The poem recounts the blessings that God has bestowed on the Israelites, the wicked deeds they have committed, and the punishments that God then inflicted upon them. (32:7–43)
God tells Moses to begin his ascent of Mount Nebo, from where he will see the Land of Israel from a distance but will not be allowed to enter it. (32:45–52)
Haftarah: II Samuel 22:1-51
This Week in Our Community
Friday, 23 September, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat
Sunday, 25 September, 11:00 (Merl park)
Opening of Talmud Torah (children)
Sunday, 25 September, 19:00
Rosh Hashanah Evening Service followed by community dinner
Torah Weekly Portion
You Stand [This Day]
Deuteronomy 29:9–30:20
Moses tells the assembled people that God’s covenant speaks to them and to all of the generations who will follow. (29:9–14)
God warns the Israelites that they will be punished if they act idolatrously, the way the inhabitants of the other nations do. (29:15–28)
Moses reassures the people that God will not forsake them and that they can attain blessings by following God’s commandments. (30:1–20)
Haftarah: Isaiah 61:10-63:9
Rosh HaShana 5783
version française ci-dessous
Dear friends,
The New Year is approaching fast, so here is our programme for this year’s Rosh Hashanah festivities!
Sunday, 25 September
Talmud Torah school year opening in Luxembourg City – 11:00
More info to follow – if your children do not yet attend our Talmud Torah programme, please get in touch with our rabbi.
Rosh Hashanah Evening Service – 19:00 (sharp)
Let us know if you want to do a reading or take part in the service more actively.
Rosh Hashanah Community Dinner – 20:00 (sharp)
Please register by 18 September. The menu can be seen here.
Places are limited and will only be confirmed upon payment. Please indicate whether you wish to have a vegetarian option. Otherwise we will assume you opt for the meat option.
Monday, 26 September
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service – 10:00
Let us know if you want to do a reading or take part in the service more actively.
En français :
Cher/e/s ami/e/s,
La nouvelle année approche à grands pas, voici donc notre programme pour les festivités de Rosh Hashanah de cette année !
Dimanche 25 septembre
Ouverture de l’année scolaire du Talmud Torah à Luxembourg-ville – 11h00
Plus d’informations à suivre – si vos enfants ne suivent pas encore notre programme de Talmud Torah, veuillez contacter notre rabbin.
Office du soir de Rosh Hashanah – 19h00 (précises)
Signalez-nous si vous souhaitez lire un passage ou participer à l’office d’une autre façon.
Dîner communautaire de Rosh Hashanah – 20h00 (précises)
Veuillez-vous inscrire avant le 18 septembre. Le menu peut être consulté ici.
Les places sont limitées et ne seront confirmées qu’après paiement. Veuillez indiquer si vous souhaitez une option végétarienne. Sinon, nous supposerons que vous optez pour l’option viande.
Lundi 26 septembre
Office du matin de Rosh Hashanah – 10:00
Signalez-nous si vous souhaitez lire un passage ou participer à l’office d’une autre façon.
This Week in Our Community
Saturday, 17 September, 20:00
Evening Service with Havdalah and Leil Slichot followed by potluck dinner.
Torah Weekly Portion Ki Tavo
When You Enter [the Land]
Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8
The Israelites are instructed to express their gratitude to God for their bountiful harvests and freedom from slavery by tithing ten percent of their crops for the Levite, the stranger, the orphan, and the widow. (26)
The people are told to display on large stones God’s commandments for all to see. (27:1-8)
The Levites are to proclaim curses upon those who violate God’s commandments. (27:15-26)
The Israelites are told that if they obey God’s mitzvot faithfully, they will receive every blessing imaginable. They are also told that if they do not fulfill their brit with God, many curses will descend upon them. (28:1-69)
Moses reminds the Israelites of the miracles they witnessed in the wilderness and commands them to observe the terms of the covenant so that they may succeed in all that they undertake. (29:1-8)
Haftarah: Isaiah 60:1-22
This Week in Our Community
Saturday, 10 September, 10:30-12:00
Shabbat Morning Service followed by community pot-luck lunch
Torah Weekly Portion
Ki Teitzei כִּי-תֵצֵא
When You Go Out (to Battle)
Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19
Moses reviews a wide variety of laws regarding family, animals, and property. (21:10–22:12)
Various civil and criminal laws are delineated, including those regarding sexual relationships, interaction with non-Israelites, loans, vows, and divorce. (22:13–24:5)
Laws of commerce pertaining to loans, fair wages, and proper weights and measures are given. (24:10–25:16)
The parashah concludes with the commandment to remember for all time the most heinous act committed against the Israelites—Amalek’s killing of the old, weak, and infirm after the Israelites left Egypt. (25:17–19)
Haftarah: Isaiah 54:1-10
A Musical World Tour from Israel with Love
Quoted “one of the most famous artists in Luxembourg” by the Luxemburger Wort, Magali Dahan (Galy) has appeared on several TV shows in France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Morocco and is soon coming to Luxembourg for a special evening – “A musical tour of Israël”, accompanied on the piano by Franck Prevost.
Galy is the founder, artistic director, choreographer, and costume designer of Magma Show Paris, a show company featuring 50 artists, one hundred choreographies and 300 costumes. Magma Show has won several awards and critical claims, touring all over Europe with currently 15 shows on the road.
Come for a beautiful evening of music, taste some Israeli wine during intermission, and enjoy a night to be remembered. Pre-registration to the event is mandatory, you can find the contact information and price below.

This Week in Our Community
Friday, 2 September 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat (zoom only)
Torah Weekly Portion Shof’tim
Deuteronomy 16:18–21:9
Laws regarding both sacred and secular legislation are addressed. The Israelites are told that in every dealing they should pursue justice in order to merit the land that God is giving them. (16:18–18:8)
The people are warned to avoid sorcery and witchcraft, the abhorrent practices of their idolatrous neighbors. (18:9–22)
God tells them that should an Israelite unintentionally kill another, he may take sanctuary in any of three designated cities of refuge. (19:1–13)
Laws to be followed during times of peace and times of war are set forth. (19:14–21:9)
Haftarah: Isaiah 51:12-52:12
Sur les traces de l‘histoire juive de Mondorf
Mesdames, Messieurs,
Cher-e-s membres,
Le comité de l‘asbl „Les amis de l‘ancienne synagogue de Mondorf“, le Syndicat d‘Initiative de Mondorf-les-Bains et la Commission culturelle de la Commune de Mondorf-les-Bains ont le plaisir de vous inviter à notre promenade historique „Sur les traces de l‘histoire juive de Mondorf“.
Notre promenade historique aura lieu le 11 septembre à partir de 15h00 devant le Bierger- et Kulturhaus (mairie) de Mondorf-les-Bains.
Veuillez nous contacter par courriel pour plus d’informations.
Le comité de l‘asbl „Les amis de l‘ancienne synagogue de Mondorf“
This Week in Our Community
Summer closure
Dear members and friends,
Our Synagogue will enter its annual summer closure and reopen on 2 September with an open-air service in Luxembourg-City (weather permitting, otherwise we will meet on Zoom).
As we approach the High Holidays our annual fees letter should reach you in the next few days. If you do not receive it by mail, do let us know. As in previous years we encourage you all to go paperless. Please let us know whether you want to switch to paperless communication.
If you are not a member yet and would like to join our community, please get in touch.
Thank you all for your support over the past year!
For now, we wish you a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you back in the autumn.
Your Committee
Fermeture estivale
Cher(e)s membres et ami(e)s,
Notre synagogue entame sa fermeture estivale annuelle et rouvrira le 2 septembre avec un office en plein air à Luxembourg-Ville (si le temps le permet, sinon nous nous réunirons sur Zoom).
A l’approche des Fêtes austères, notre lettre de cotisation annuelle devrait vous parvenir dans les prochains jours. Si vous ne la recevez pas par courrier, faites-le nous savoir. Comme les années précédentes, nous vous encourageons tous à passer à une communication purement électronique. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous souhaitez passer à la communication sans papier.
Si vous n’êtes pas encore membre, mais souhaitez le devenir, contactez-nous.
Merci à tous pour votre soutien au cours de l’année écoulée !
Nous vous souhaitons un merveilleux été et nous nous réjouissons de vous retrouver à l’automne.
Votre Comité
Torah Weekly Portion
[And if You] Obey [These Rules]
Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25
Moses tells the Israelites that if they follow God’s laws, the nations who now dwell across the Jordan River will not harm them. (7:12–26)
Moses reminds the people of the virtues of keeping God’s commandments. He also tells them that they will dispossess those who now live in the Land only because they are idolatrous, not because the Israelites are uncommonly virtuous. Thereupon, Moses reviews all of the trespasses of the Israelites against God. (8:1–10:11)
Moses says that the Land of Israel will overflow with milk and honey if the people obey God’s commandments and teach them to their children. (10:12–11:25)
Haftarah: Isaiah 49:14-51:3
This Week in Our Community
Friday, 12 August, 19:00-20:30
(zoom only)
Kabbalat Shabbat
Torah Weekly Portion
[Moses] Pleaded with the Eternal
Deuteronomy 3:23–7:11
Moses pleads with God to let him enter the Land of Israel with the people, but God once more refuses his request. (3:23–28)
Moses orders the Children of Israel to pay attention and follow the laws given by God in order to be worthy of the land they are about to receive. (4:1–40)
Specific areas of the land are set aside to serve as cities of refuge. (4:41–43)
The covenant at Sinai and the Ten Commandments are recalled. Once again, the people are exhorted to heed God’s commandments. (5:1–30)
Moses speaks the words of the Sh’ma, the credo of Judaism, and commands Israel to show their love for Adonai and keep God’s laws and ordinances. (6:1–25)
Moses warns the people not to commit idolatry by worshiping the gods of the nations they will conquer in Israel. (7:1–11)
Haftarah: Isaiah 40:1-26