This Week in Our Community

No Weekday Morning Services

Wednesday, 13 July, 19:00-21:00
Introduction to Judaism course

Friday/Vendredi, 15 July, 19:00-20:30
Open Air service in Luxembourg City (tbc)
Office en plein air à Luxembourg Ville (à confirmer)

On 15 July we will attempt to do an open air service in Luxembourg-City, weather permitting. If you are interested to attend, please send us an email. Bring your own Siddur or download our Siddur here.

Le 15 juillet nous allons tenter de tenir notre office en plein air à Luxembourg-Ville, si la météo le permet. Si vous êtes intéressés, envoyez nous un courriel. Amenez votre propre Siddour ou téléchargez notre siddour en ligne.

Torah Weekly Portion Balak
Numbers 22:2−25:9
Balak, the king of Moab, persuades the prophet Balaam to curse the Israelites so that he can defeat them and drive them out of the region. However, Balaam blesses the Children of Israel instead and prophesies that Israel’s enemies will be defeated. (22:2-24:25)
God punishes the Israelites with a plague for consorting with the Moabite women and their god. The plague is stayed after Pinchas kills an Israelite man and his Midianite woman. (25:1-9)

Haftarah: Micah 5:6-6:8