This Week in Our Community

Friday, 2 December, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat

Sunday, 4 December, 10:30-12:30
Talmud Torah (education for kids)

Torah Weekly Portion
And [Jacob] Left
Genesis 28:10−32:3
Jacob dreams of angels going up and down a ladder. God blesses him. Jacob names the place Bethel. (28:10-22)
Jacob works seven years in order to marry Rachel, but Laban tricks Jacob into marrying Leah, Rachel’s older sister. (29:16-25)
Jacob marries Rachel but only after having to commit himself to seven more years of working for Laban. (29:26-30)
Leah, Rachel, and their maidservants, Bilhah and Zilpah, give birth to eleven sons and one daughter. (29:31-30:24)
Jacob and his family leave Laban’s household with great wealth. (31:1-32:3)

Haftarah: Hosea 12:13-14:10