This Week in Our Community

Friday, 14 January, 19:00-20:30
(zoom only)

Kabbalat Shabbat led by Rabbi Alexander Grodensky, followed by online Tu BiShvat community seder. As last year, we invite you to join our virtual Tu Bishvat Seder. 

For the Tu Bishvat Seder, you would need to have the following on your tables: 
– red and white wine or grape juice
– symbolic foods: 
1 round – inedible exterior, edible interior (orange, banana, walnut, almond, pomegranate)
2 round – edible exterior, inedible interior (dates, olives, apricots, plums)
3 round – entirely edible (apples, grapes etc.)

Tu BiShvat Seder Haggadah: link

Saturday, 15 January, 10:30-12:30
Talmud Torah (all)

Torah Weekly Portion
Now When [Pharaoh] Let [the People] Go
Exodus 13:17−17:16
The Children of Israel escape across the Sea of Reeds from Pharaoh and his army, who drown when God drives back the sea. (13:17-14:31)
Moses and the Israelites sing a song praising Adonai. (15:1-21)
In the wilderness, God provides the grumbling Israelites with quails and manna. God instructs the Israelites to gather and prepare on the sixth day food needed for Shabbat. (15:22-16:36)
The people complain about the lack of water. Moses hits a rock with his rod and brings forth water. (17:1-7)
Israel defeats Amalek, Israel’s eternal enemy. God vows to blot out the memory of Amalek from the world. (17:8-16)

Haftarah: Judges 4:4-5:31