This Week in Our Community

Monday-Friday, 10:00-10:30
Weekday Morning Prayer (not on Monday, 1 March)

Wednesday, 3 March, 19:00-20:00
How Did the Bible’s Editors Work?
Prof. Idan Dershowitz (Potsdam)

Friday, 5 March, 18:30-20:30
Community Talk: 18:30-19:00
Kabbalat Shabbat – Refugee Shabbat: 19:00-20:30

Torah Weekly Portion
Ki Tisa – When You Take a Census
Exodus 30:11−34:35

Moses takes a census of the Israelites and collects a half-shekel from each person (30:11-16)
God tells Moses to construct a water basin and to prepare anointing oil and incense for the ordination of the priests. Bezalel and Oholiab, skilled artisans, are assigned to make objects for the priests and the Tabernacle. (30:17-31:11)
The Israelites are instructed to keep Shabbat as a sign of their covenant with God. God gives Moses the two tablets of the Pact. (31:12-18)
The Israelites ask Aaron to build them a Golden Calf. Moses implores God not to destroy the people and then breaks the two tablets of the Pact on which the Ten Commandments are written when he sees the idol. God punishes the Israelites by means of a plague. (32:1-35)
Moses goes up the mountain with a blank set of tablets for another 40 days so that God will again inscribe the Ten Commandments. Other laws, including the edict to observe the Pilgrimage Festivals, are also revealed. (34:1-28)
Moses comes down from the mountain with a radiant face. (34:29-35)

Haftarah: I Kings 18:20-39 or II Chronicles 1:18-2:15 or Psalm 96