This Week in Our Community

Wednesday, 19 July, 19:00-20:30 (zoom)
Last Introduction to Judaism Course before summer holidays

Saturday, 22 July, 10:30-12:00 (Mondorf synagogue)
Shabbat Hazon Morning Service at the synagogue in Mondorf followed by lunch and wine tasting in Remerschen.

Jahrzeit: Rabbi Samuel Fuchs (4 Av-22 Jul)

Torah Weekly Portion
The Words
Deuteronomy 1:1−3:22
Moses begins his final words of instruction to the Children of Israel, focusing first on recounting their physical journey. (1:1–21)
Moses reviews the people’s reactions to the negative reports of the spies and the appointment of Joshua to succeed him. (1:22–45)
Moses recounts that all of the Israelite warriors who left Egypt died, as God had intended, and the people continued their wanderings and defeated their enemies. (2:14–3:11)
Moses reiterates that the Land of Israel was allocated to the Israelite tribes. (3:12–22)

Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1-27