This Week in Our Community

Wednesday, 21 June, 19:00-20:30  (zoom)
Introduction to Judaism Course

Friday, 23 June, 19:00-20:30
Kabbalat Shabbat with cantor Hemi Levison
Followed by community potluck dinner.

Saturday, 24 June, 15:00-16:00
Shabbat Afternoon Service (Mincha) & National Holiday with cantor Hemi Levison

Torah Weekly Portion
Numbers 16:1−18:32
Korach and his followers, Dathan and Abiram, lead a rebellion against the leadership of Moses and Aaron. God punishes the rebels by burying them and their families alive. Once again, God brings a plague on the people. (16:1-17:15)
The chief of each tribe deposits his staff inside the Tent of Meeting. Aaron’s staff brings forth sprouts, produces blossoms, and bears almonds. (17:16-26)
The Kohanim and Levites are established and assigned the responsibility of managing the donations to the Sanctuary. All of the firstborn offerings shall go to the priests and all the tithes are designated for the Levites in return for the services they perform. (18:1-32)

Haftarah: I Samuel 11:14-12:22

Office solennel de fête nationale / National Holiday Service 2023

English below
Le Président et le Comité de la Communauté Juive Libérale du Luxembourg vous prient de leur faire l’honneur d’assister à l’office solennel à l’occasion de la célébration officielle de l’Anniversaire de Son Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc de Luxembourg le samedi, 24 juin 2023 de 15h00 à 16h00 dans la synagogue d’Esch-sur-Alzette.
L’office sera célébré par Monsieur le rabbin Alexander Grodensky, assisté de Menachem Levison, chantre soliste.
Comme les années précédentes, nous encourageons vos dons à Stëmm vun der Strooss à cette occasion.
Merci d’avance de confirmer votre présence par courriel.
Carton sous pièce jointe.
The President and Board of the Liberal Jewish Community of Luxembourg are delighted to invite you the religious service on the occasion of the celebration of the official birthday of HRH the Grand-Duke of Luxembourg on Saturday, 24 June 2023 from 3 to 4 pm  in the synagogue of Esch-sur-Alzette.
The service will be led by rabbi Alexander Grodensky and cantor Menachem Levison.
As in previous years, we encourage you to donate to Stëmm vun der Strooss on this occasion.
Please send us an email to register.