This Week in Our Community

Wednesday, 1 February, 19:00-20:30 (zoom)
Introduction to Judaism Course

Friday, 3 February, 19:00-22:00
(synagogue and zoom)

Kabbalat Shabbat & Tu BiShvat Dinner

Sunday, 5 February, 10:30-12:30 (synagogue)
Talmud Torah (education for kids)

Torah Weekly Portion
Now When [Pharaoh] Let [the People] Go
Exodus 13:17−17:16
The Children of Israel escape across the Sea of Reeds from Pharaoh and his army, who drown when God drives back the sea. (13:17-14:31)
Moses and the Israelites sing a song praising Adonai. (15:1-21)
In the wilderness, God provides the grumbling Israelites with quails and manna. God instructs the Israelites to gather and prepare on the sixth day food needed for Shabbat. (15:22-16:36)
The people complain about the lack of water. Moses hits a rock with his rod and brings forth water. (17:1-7)
Israel defeats Amalek, Israel’s eternal enemy. God vows to blot out the memory of Amalek from the world. (17:8-16)

Haftarah: Judges 4:4-5:31