Friday, 16 December
Kabbalat Shabbat followed by a community dinner with David Newman.
Please register by December 14 (via email) – Cost €10.

David Newman is Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Originally from the UK, Newman immigrated to Israel in 1982 and has been with Ben-Gurion University since 1987, first as a faculty member in the Department of Geography and later (from 1997) as the founder and first chairperson of the Department of Politics and Government. His degrees are from the University of London and the University of Durham, both in the UK.
Since 1998, Newman has been the chief editor of The International Journal, Geopolitics, a quarterly academic peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor & Francis. Newman teaches political geography. His research and publications focus on the territorial dimensions of ethnic conflict and the contemporary significance and functions of borders.
In recent years he has also been involved in the public debate concerning the role of politics in science and the nature of academic freedom. He has been involved in peace-related activities for the past 30 years. In 2013 he was awarded the OBE for his work in promoting scientific relations between Israel and the UK.
Sunday, 18 December, 10:30-12:30
Talmud Torah (education for kids)
Sunday, 18 December – Sunday, 25 December, 19:00
Hanukkah Candle Lighting via zoom
Torah Weekly Portion
[Jacob] Settled
Genesis 37:1−40:23
Jacob is shown to favor his son Joseph, whom the other brothers resent. Joseph has dreams of grandeur. (Genesis 37:1-11)
After Joseph’s brothers had gone to tend the flocks in Shechem, Jacob sends Joseph to report on them. The brothers decide against murdering Joseph but instead sell him into slavery. After he is shown Joseph’s coat of many colors, which had been dipped in the blood of a kid, Jacob is led to believe that Joseph has been killed by a beast. (Genesis 37:12-35)
Tamar successively marries two of Judah’s sons, each of whom dies. Judah does not permit her levirate marriage to his youngest son. She deceives Judah into impregnating her. (Genesis 38:1-30)
God is with Joseph in Egypt until the wife of his master, Potiphar, accuses him of rape, whereupon Joseph is imprisoned. (Genesis 39:1-40:23)
Haftarah: Amos 2:6-3:8